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Privacy Notice – RYLA


[For the purpose of this privacy notice, Rotary International in Great Britain & Ireland (Rotary GB&I) also includes Rotary clubs and districts and their members.  The use of the term ‘you’, ‘your’ also means that of your child where the competition or programme applicant is a minor, i.e. under the age of 18 years].


Members of Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (“we”) value the trust you put in us to process your personal information and will always be open and honest about the information we collect and how we will use it. We will never do anything with your personal information that you wouldn’t reasonably expect us to in relation to the Youth Competitions and RYLA programme and we will always take every effort to protect your privacy.


The Rotary GB&I Privacy Notice is available on our website,, and explains how we collect, process and share personal information.  This ‘Privacy Notice – RYLA’ is supplementary to the general Rotary GB&I Privacy Notice and explains in more detail how you can expect your personal information to be specifically used in relation to theRYLA qualification process.


How we use your personal information for RYLA

1.      We are collecting your personal information (and that of your child if a minor) for the organisation and administration of the RYLA only, it will not be used for any other purpose.

2.      Club, District or Rotary Public Relations Officers may use your personal information to make contact with you to discuss public relation opportunities and will gain your specific consent at that time for the use of your information, such as photographs/interviews for newspaper articles, club or district websites etc. Where the applicant is a minor only the parent/guardian will be contacted.


Providing your personal information to others for RYLA

3.      The personal information will only be shared with others that require it for their role/the services they provide for the organisation and administration of the RYLA qualification  Initially, this will be at Rotary club level and schools only , the information will also be shared with those relevant organisers once the applicant is accepted.

4.      Specific examples of sharing necessary information for the RYLA Leadership and Management qualification include sharing with third parties such as providers of venue hire and catering services for the RYLA activity and assessment weekend. Under such circumstances only the minimum amount of information for the third-party service will be provided, i.e., for caterers, only the name and allergy/special dietary requirement will be disclosed, no other information and for activity providers only such health issues affecting residential stays and activity completion.

5.      Those individuals and organisations that have access to the personal information are also bound by the Rotary GB&I Privacy Notice.


Retaining and deleting your personal information

6.      All reasonable steps will be taken by those concerned to ensure the personal information they have access to is kept securely and will not be shared with anyone who does not have a legitimate reason to have access to it in relation to the organisation and administration of the RYLA qualification.

7.      For all youth activities including the RYLA programme, personal information will be kept on file for 3 months after the date of the qualification assessment. After this date, the information will be securely destroyed (either by shredding, incineration or deletion from electronic devices) at club, district and national level.  This timeframe is necessary to allow for any disputes to be settled before the personal information is destroyed. Where ongoing contact with a parent or student is necessary, this will be done via the school etc or by specific additional consent.


By signing the application form, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to the Privacy Notices in respect of the use of personal information for yourself (and your child, where applicable).

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